A New Addition to the Gundam Series!
“Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX”
khara x SUNRISE, a crossing of dreams
Prior to the airing of TV series, theatrical version using re-edited episodes…
“Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-"
Coming to theaters in Japan, January 17th!
Please look forward to overseas release information!
Official Website:https://en.gundam.info/about-gundam/series-pages/gquuuuuux/
Prior to the airing of TV series, theatrical version using re-edited episodes…
“Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-"
Coming to theaters in Japan, January 17th!
Please look forward to overseas release information!
Official Website:https://en.gundam.info/about-gundam/series-pages/gquuuuuux/