
In the Promised Land
Many were lost but the Archangel finally arrives at the Earth Alliance headquarters in Alaska (JOSH-A). But the crew is not allowed to disembark and is ordered to remain on standby. This treatment by the headquarters – the crew have barely escaped with their lives, after all – sends an uneasy feeling among the crew.
Meanwhile, at the ZAFT’s Carpentaria Base, the wounded Athrun was receiving orders from Rau Le Creuset. Rau also tells him that he is appointed to pilot the new Justice Gundam and must head to PLANT homeland immediately to get it.
On the other hand, Kira wakes up in the Clyne’s mansion in a PLANT. Kira thinks about his final battle with Athrun and wonders how he can be alive. Apparently, a mysterious man named Malchio saved him and brought him to the PLANT. Kira is stunned and trembles uncontrollably. Lacus gently smiles and speaks to him. And Kira bares his heart to Lacus.
In the Archangel, Dearka is held prisoner. He begins to insult Miriallia about losing her boyfriend Tolle, and Miriallia becomes enraged. Why is he alive while Tolle is dead? She grabs a knife and lunge at him. Flay comes in and aims a gun at Dearka. Miriallia jumps in front of her, risking her life to stop Flay from killing him. And Miriallia comes back to her senses.