Universal Century Timeline
The anime series that is a sequel to MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM, it takes place seven years after the conclusion of the One Year War. The story features protagonist Kamille Bidan, a young man who gets himself involved by chance in the conflict between two factions of the Earth Federation forces, the "Titans" and "A.E.U.G." It also drew attention for the active role played by Char Aznable and other characters from the previous MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM.
The third installment of the series and the follow-up to MOBILE SUIT Z GUNDAM. It was produced as a direct sequel to MOBILE SUIT Z GUNDAM and depicts the events of the "First Neo Zeon War." The new protagonist, Judau Ashta, boards Z Gundam by chance and becomes wrapped up in the conflict between A.E.U.G. and Neo Zeon.
The first original feature film in the MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM franchise. It renews the fated conflict between Amuro Ray and Char Aznable, which began with the original MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM. A grand theatrical spectacle, it remains highly popular with older Gundam fans.
MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 0080:War in the Pocket
The first OVA in the GUNDAM series, it takes place in the Universal Century timeline and centers on a boy named Al who becomes caught up in a battle in a neutral territory. In addition to mobile suit combat, it is also notable for its dramatic story, told from the perspective of a young boy living a normal life on Side 6.
A one-off theatrical feature created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of "Mobile Suit Gundam". Seabook Arno, the protagonist of this film, gets caught up in the war between the Crossbone Vanguard and the Earth Federation Forces, he fights aboard the Gundam F91, a mobile suit designed by his mother. It's a dramatic story, notable for the changes that war brings about in the hearts of its characters and their familial relationships.
Loran Cehack of the "Moonrace" is sent to infiltrate Earth as an advanced scout, but his encounters with the many people there instead leave him hoping for peace. Despite this, the army of the Moonrace's Queen, Dianna Soreil, launches an invasion. Just when all hope seems lost, the "white doll" treated by the Earthlings as an object of worship begins to move. Though Earth was thought to have no mobile suits, the great machine rising from underground conceals a secret that will tie this series to all previous Gundam installments. Meanwhile, the setting is full of unique details that are closely evocative of the ∀ GUNDAM story.
Gundam Reconguista in G
Yoshiyuki Tomino, from the TV anime series "Gundam", creates the first work in the 15 years since "Turn A Gundam", called "Gundam Reconguista in G" (2014, 26 episodes). He is not only the chief director, but also worked on the script of all the episodes and focused his attention on this work.
The series set in UC 0096 that follows a group of boys and girls as they probe the hidden history of the Universal Century. Among other UC works, it stood out as a road movie on a grand scale and served as an introduction to the timeline for many fans.
Edited version of the OVA series "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC"
The sequel to MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC, it features many characters and mecha from the previous installment. The story focuses on the origins of various supernatural technology and phenomena, such as Newtypes and psycho-frames, that have appeared in several Gundam series.
In this installment, Mobile Suit Gundam animation director Yoshikazu Yasuhiko reinterprets the original story for contemporary times by exploring various characters and settings at an earlier age. The timeline of the anime extends from the childhood of Char and Sayla to the advent of the One Year War.
Official web SiteMobile Suit Gundam Hathaway
The story takes place 12 years after the events of CHAR'S COUNTERATTACK. Told from the perspective of Hathaway Noa, it depicts the struggle between the corrupt politicians of the Earth Federation and Mafty, an anti-government faction that is attempting to overthrow federation rule. Produced as a theatrical feature in 2021, the film became a hot topic due to the cinematic quality of its beautiful images and realistic sound design. It is also the first work of a trilogy.
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance
Set during the One Year War that formed the backdrop of the original 1979 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM, this new six-episode original animated series (30 min per episode) focuses on the war's European front and is intended for a global audience. The series will be animated using Unreal Engine 5 with co-production by SAFEHOUSE.
Official web Site Netflix
The origin point of the Gundam franchise. Acclaimed for its realism, the series made its mark on anime history as the new gold standard of the robot anime genre. When civilian Amuro Ray gets caught up in an outbreak of war, he boards the cutting-edge mobile suit "Gundam" and shoulders the destiny of fighting as a soldier of the Earth Federation.
Official web Site