“Mobile Suit Gundam Universal Unit 4,” the 4th installment of the next generation action figure and shokugan standard model, was released countrywide in toy stores, electronic retail stores, and online on May 2nd (Tues.) It is priced at 500 yen each excluding tax.
The 4th installment of the Universal Unit is a “Real Type Gundam Action Figure” and is a compatible blend of action and collection in a perfect size of approximately 8.5cm.
The installment’s line-up includes these 4 suits: “v Gundam,” “Victory Gundam,” “Gun-EZ,” and “Gundam Ground Type.” Each MS comes with one out of two armament choices, resulting in a total of 8 different figure sets in the line-up.
[Set Details]
○ A fully colored figure set (partial assembly) (8 types total)
・v Gundam Beam Rifle & Shield Equip
・v Gundam Fin Funnels Equip
・Victory Gundam Beam Rifle Equip
・V Dash Gundam Hexa
・Gun-EZ Beam Rifle Equip
・Gun-EZ Beam Bazooka Equip
・Gundam Ground Type 180mm Cannon Equip
・Gundam Ground Type Beam Rifle & Shield Equip
○ A piece of soda-flavored gum
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