“Minipla GUNDAM BUILD DIVERS SUPER SHOCK GUNDAM” is a collaboration between Minipla, a Shokugan plastic model kit series of mecha and robots from superhero series, and Gundam Build Divers. The product was released today, July 16th(Mon, holiday), nationwide in toy stores, electronic retail stores, and online. It is priced at 480 yen per kit (tax excluded).
Minipla is a representative Shokugan brand developed by the Bandai Candy Department since the 1980s. The series has transformation and combining gimmicks along with polished proportions while being a mini size that is easy to play with. Its defining features are its high mobility and vivid coloring.
In this release, five different types are being introduced, including Shock Gundam, while allowing you to be able to fully enjoy the adorable forms and mechanical aspects of the SD series. You can also enjoy various poses with its wide range of mobility.
Create Super Shock Gundam, a mobile suit that appears in Gundam Build Divers, when you come all five SD Gundams together. Aside from the main body, you can also combine each suit’s weapons to recreate either a large rifle or large sword.
This product also uses the same joint parts as Gunpla and can be combined with kits such as the “HGBD 1/144 GUNDAM 00 DIVER”. Enjoy the fusion between a Shokugan item and Gunpla!
Price: 480 yen each (tax excluded)
· 1 Plastic Model (total 5 types)
1. Shock Gundam
2. SG Gundam
3. SG Char’s Zaku
4. SG Nu Gundam
5. SG Sazabi
· 1 piece of chewing gum
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