In "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 World" held at the Gundam Comprehensive Facility "GUNDAM BASE TOKYO, the latest information on event limited gundams was released on December 1st (Friday).
This time, "HGUC Batham [Clear Color]" and "HGIB Gundam Bael [Clear Color]" are two points. Both of them will be on sale starting Wednesday, December 6th and are limited items that can only be purchased at events, so do not miss this opportunity.
<Event Limited Item>
【NEW】HGUC 1/144 Gundam Batham [Clear Color] Price: 1,620 yen (tax included)
【NEW】HGIB 1/144 Gundam Bael [Clear Color] Price: 1,512 yen (tax included)
In addition, "Mobile Suit Gundam 00 World" set up a new item of the "00" series, a history of related gundams and exhibition that looks back on "HG × Series chronology". Also featured by Gundam Meister, pieces of work such as animation setting images related to the series will be made public, and in the event zone 's 4 side monitor, a variety of content related related special images will be broadcasted.
Since it is held until Wednesday, December 6, we will certainly look forward to the world view of "00" on this occasion. For details, please see the
Special Page!
[Location] DiverCity Tokyo Plaza 7F(Aoyama 1-1-10, Koto Ward, Tokyo)
[Open Hours]10:00 ~ 21:00
[Location] DiverCity Tokyo Plaza 7F(Aoyama 1-1-10, Koto Ward, Tokyo)
[Open Hours]10:00 ~ 21:00
* This article was originally published in Japan. Availability & timing may vary by region.
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