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October 12, 2019

The Interchange in the "PLANETS System" Can Be Reproduced! "HGBD:R Earthree Gundam" Released Today!

HGBD:R "Marsfour" & "Veetwo" weapons too!

HGBD:R 1/144 Earthree Gundam

Price:¥1,540(tax inc)

The gunpla operated by the protagonist Hiroto. The interchangeability of the "PLANETS System" from the anime can be reproduced, and the "Core Gundam" and support mecha "Earth Armor" can be combined to become the "Earthree Gundam". The core spray gun and core shield can be arranged with reinforced parts to create heavier weapons.

HGBD:R 1/144 Marsfour Weapons

Price:¥660(tax inc)

The "Marsfour Weapons" custom weapons set for Marsfour with a large ax and twin large swords contains a gimmick that allows for combination into a bigger weapon. By combining with the separately sold "Core Gundam" and "Marsfour Gundam" armor parts, Marsfour Gundam can be completed.

Also, besides the "Core Gundam", it is possible to equip to existing 1/144 scale gunpla, and includes original joint parts.

HGBD:R 1/144 Veetwo Weapons

Price:¥660(tax inc)

The "Veetwo Weapons" custom weapons set for Veetwo Gundam cam be combined with the separately sold "Core Gundam Custom Short Rifle" to create the large beam bazooka weapon. By combining the separately sold "Core Gundam" and "Veetwo Gundam" armor parts, the Veetwo Gundam can be completed. Also, besides the "Core Gundam", it is possible to equip to existing 1/144 scale gunpla, and includes original joint parts.

※Action base sold separately.




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