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May 18, 2018

Updated GUNDAM Café Stamp Card Bonus Course Meal! “Z.A.F.T.’s Path ~Concerto of the Battlefield” to Be Served From 5/24!

Collect stamps and order this course meal for Z.A.F.T.!

A special full-course meal to be served as a stamp card bonus has been updated. “Z.A.F.T.’s Path ~Concerto of the Battlefield~” will be served starting from May 24th(Thurs) at the official GUNDAM Café “GUNDAM Café Akihabara” and Osaka’s “GUNDAM SQUARE”.

The special full-course meal will be served to those that complete their stamps on their Newtype Pilot card, a stamp card issued at all GUNDAM Cafés and GUNDAM SQUARE.


Those that order this menu will be presented with a GUNDAM Café Z.A.F.T. Certificate.

This is a menu that can only be eaten at the café, so be sure to take this opportunity to collect stamps and enjoy “Z.A.F.T.’s Path”.


※The special full-course menu is required to be reserved a week in advance.



Full-Course Meal Name “Z.A.F.T.’s Path ~Concerto of the Battlefield~”

“Prelude of Young White Lion”

Creamy Potato Potage

A dish that represents the process of Yzak’s growth through his injuries on the battlefield. His facial scar is recreated with fried pasta in a creamy potato potage.

“Prelude of Young White Lion”

Creamy Potato Potage

A dish that represents the process of Yzak’s growth through his injuries on the battlefield. His facial scar is recreated with fried pasta in a creamy potato potage.



“Scherzo of the Laughing Black Panther”


Fettucine with an Aromatic Mushroom Minced Meat Sauce


Yellow pasta and a light brown meat sauce is used to represent Dearka while the octopus-shaped Vienna sausage represents Miriallia’s flicked out hairstyle.




“Rondo of the Wandering Knight”


Roast Pork ~Garnished with a Red Wine Sauce~


A stone Haumea amulet recreated with mini tomatoes and dragees. The dish expresses the short-lived love between Athrun (pork in red wine sauce with beets) and Cagalli (turmeric king oyster mushrooms).



“Serenade of a Fleeting Piano”


Matcha green tea piano cake played by Mozart

A dish that represents the piano keys loved by Nicol through a matcha green tea sponge cake and chocolate banana spring roll.


※The dessert is made with Western liquor as an ingredient. Please eat with caution if you are pregnant, currently breast-feeding, and if you are particularly weak to alcohol.


※Customers that wish to request the full-course meal are required to make a special reservation.

※Please make your reservations a week in advance.

※Please bring your completed Newtype Pilot Card on the day of your reservation.

※Reservations for the Newtype Full-Course Meal will only be accepted at the Akihabara location and GUNDAM SQUARE. (as of May 2018)

※Up to four people may accompany one reservation. It will cost a separate fee of 3,210 yen each (tax included) for those accompanying the meal. Certificates cannot be issued to those accompanying the meal. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.




· Akihabara Store: 03-3251-0078

· GUNDAM SQUARE: 06-4860-6442


Order the Full-Course Meal and Get a “GUNDAM Café Z.A.F.T. Certificate”!

[Distribution Conditions]

This certificate is for those that satisfy both conditions listed below.

1. All stamps on the “Newtype Pilot” stamp card have been completed.

2. Choosing the “Newtype Pilot” bonus full-course meal.

※ The certificate will not be given if you opt for the “2,000 yen discount”.

※The photo of the customer that orders the full-course meal on the day itself will be inserted into the photo portion of the card and handed to them upon being laminated.




GUNDAM Café Akihabara
[Address] Tokyo, Chiyoda, Kanda, Hanaoka 1-1
[Access] 1 minute walk from JR Akihabara Station
2 minute walk from TSUKUBA EXPRESS Akihabara Station
3 minute walk from Toei Shinjuku Line Iwamoto-cho
[Business Hours] 10:00am – 10:30pm


[Address] Osaka, Suita, Senribanpakukoen 2-1 inside Lalaport EXPOCITY
[Access] 2 minute walk from Osaka Monorail Banpaku-kinenkoen Station
[Business Hours] 11:00am – 10:00pm


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