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February 15, 2019

Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative) Premiere Report!

On February 12th industry professionals (Legendary), media (OtaQuest) and influencers (Stella Chuu, VampyBitMe) among others were invited to attend the red carpet premiere at Regal LA Live. This special event was to celebrate the One-Day Only Engagement on February 19th when Gundam NT will be shown at more than 459 movie theaters across the U.S.


A special Q&A session directly followed the premiere with the following special guests:


Naohiro Ogata - Producer

Griffin Puatu - English Voice of Jona

Erika Ishii - English Voice of Michele

Brianna Knickerbocker - English Voice of Rita

Stefan Martello - English Voice of Zoltan


The audience was then invited to attend a reception at Lucky Strike which featured Gundam NT themed drinks and a goody bag sponsored by Bluefin (Toy Distributor) and Itoen (Japanese Tea Maker).


Reception to the Gundam NT premiere and to the event was very positive from all of those in attendance. Social media posts about their enjoyment began circulating after the event concluded.


Bluefin staff reenacting the promotional art at the Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative premiere at Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE 14.



Fans arrive to enjoy the movie, showing their love with cosplay.



Crowds begin to form as the wait for Gundam NT comes to a close.



Naohiro Ogata, the producer of Gundam NT, and the English voice cast showed up to support the premiere.



The producer of Gundam NT, Naohiro Ogata being interviewed on the red carpet before the premiere.



Influencers TheDoc213, Wonky Wheel, Stella Chuu, and Jenna Luca at the premiere.



The producer and English voice cast at the post premiere Q&A session.



Meet and greet between fans, the producer, and the English voice cast.



The crowded Gundam NT premiere after party, hosted at Lucky Strike.



The English voice cast reenacting the Gundam NT promotional art.



Producer Naohiro Ogata during the post premiere Q&A session.



The house getting packed as the premiere was soon to begin.



Erika Ishii, voice actress of Michele Luio, poses next to herself.



Brianna Knickerbocker, voice actress of Rita, hits the red carpet in style.



Griffin Puatu, the English voice actor for Jona.



Griffin Puatu throws down with Stefan Martello, the English voice actor for Zoltan.



Seeing double! Jona meets Jona after the show.



SC Media (Event Coordinators) staffers pose at the red carpet for the Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative premiere at Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE 14.


What is Gundam NT?

Gundam NT is the latest Gundam feature film produced by Sunrise and based on the 11th Gundam Unicorn Novel, Phoenix Hunting. It is directed by Toshikazu Yoshizawa (Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt) and written by Harutoshi Fukui.



For US customer, watch it on the Big Screen at

on Feb 19, 2019




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