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April 11, 2018

Gundam 00’s 10th Anniversary CD Album “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 10th ANNIVERSARY BEST” Releases Today!

Includes all 15 theme songs and insert songs used in the TV series and the film!

“Mobile Suit Gundam 00 10thANNIVERSARY BEST” was released today, April 11th(Wed), by SACRA MUSIC.

The release of this album celebrates the 10thanniversary since the broadcast of Mobile Suit Gundam 00. It includes all 15 theme songs and insert songs used in the TV series and film along with a deluxe booklet.

Customers will also be presented with a B2-sized poster as a bonus at first-come-first-serve when purchasing the album in select stores.

The design of the poster includes the illustrated album jacket as well as a list of the track titles. This bonus can only be obtained at these stores, so don’t miss out on this opportunity.

For details on participating stores, please read this page.


※This is a first-come-first-serve bonus at every participating store. Please make your reservations as early as possible.

※Please inquire your store for details.


Mobile Suit Gundam 00 10th ANNIVERSARY BEST

[Release Date] April 11, 2018 (Wed)

※Limited press available until December 2018


[Price] 3,500 yen (tax excluded)


[Specifications] Deluxe booklet / CD BOX


[Stock Number] VVCL-1202


[Distributor] SACRA MUSIC


[Included Tracks]

· M1: “DAYBREAK’S BELL” by L’Arc~en~Ciel (TV 1stseason 1stOP)

· M2: “Trap” by THE BACK HORN (TV 1stseason 1stED)

· M3: “Ash Like Snow” by the brilliant green (TV 1stseason 2ndOP)

· M4: “Friends” by Stephanie (TV 1stseason 2ndED)

· M5: “LOVE TODAY” by Taja (TV 1stseason insert song)

· M6: “Fleeting and Everlasting Sorrow” by UVERworld (TV 2ndseason 1stOP)

· M7: “Prototype” by Chiaki Ishikawa (TV 2ndseason 1stED)

· M8: “Past the Tears” by Stereopony (TV 2ndseason 2ndOP)

· M9: “trust you” by Yuna Ito (TV 2ndseason 2ndED)

· M10: “Unlimited Sky” by Tommy heavenly6 (TV 2ndseason insert song)

· M11: “TOMORROW” by Marina Ismail & Children (TV 2ndseason insert song)

· M12: “CHANGE” UVERworld (Movie image song)

· M13: “A Closed World” by THE BACK HORN (Movie opening theme song)

· M14: “I’m No Longer Afraid, I Have No Fear” by Chiaki Ishikawa (Movie insert song)

· M15: “Qualia” by UVERworld (Movie ending theme song)



[Details Here]




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