

Kira and Freedom Gundam engage with the Earth Alliance’s latest three Gundam units, Calamity, Forbidden, and Raider Gundam. Justice Gundam, piloted by Athrun, emerges before Kira. With its appearance, tensions becomes high, not knowing whether it is friend or foe. Athrun stands before them, not as a ZAFT soldier, but as a man with his own free will, and begins to assist Kira. Freedom Gundam and Justice Gundam are unbelievably well coordinated for the first time and continue to overwhelm the three Gundams. The Alliance pilots’ drugs wear off and force them to retreat.
Meantime on Onogoro Island waters, however, the Earth Alliance start a major offense and deploy vast numbers of mass production type Strike Dagger. They gradually corner the Orb forces. Thanks to Kira and Athrun, they barely repel the Alliance, but the Orb army suffer devastating damage.
Kira and Athrun return and Cagalli greets them with tears. The two pilots reunite and the time finally comes to have a heart to heart talk. Hearing Kira’s determination to fight for his friends, Athrun feels he should choose his path as well…